Public Procurement Tendering Services

The public procurement process is designed to ensure the tax payer receives value for money when procuring services.
In order to preserve the integrity of public procurement process we at QMS solutions assist you in your tender
submission process to ensure that you fully understand the systems requirements and to ensure the most accurate tender
submission consistent with procurement acceptance criteria.

What is a Request for Tender?

A request for tender is a formal, structured invitation to suppliers for the supply of products or services. Submitting
a tender is common practice for businesses supplying goods or services to other businesses / organisations or the public

Benefits of Tendering for Suppliers

  • The all Island public sector market is worth €16.5 billion
  • There are export opportunities
  • For contractual or mandatory purposes.
  • The possibility of entering new markets
  • The exposure to new, potential customers
  • Benchmarking

Identifying the Market

  • Know the market: is it regional or sector based?
  • Know the buyers: are there nominated buyers/purchasing managers, technical personnel, user groups etc.
  • Public sector and government are encouraging more companies to source tenders and apply on line
  • In the future practically all public sector tendering processes will be online

E Tendering

  • Tender advertisements will be placed online in most instances
  • On line directories can offer a more efficient route to the vast public sector market
  • When do they buy: are there annual or longer contracts
  • How do they buy: large or small value, national or European advertising

Why Tenders are Unsuccessful

  • Late submission
  • Incomplete submission
  • Unsigned tender
  • Samples requested supplied after the stipulated date
  • Non compliance with ‘special conditions’
  • Tenderer using his/her own alternative terms and conditions’
  • Variation from specification not indicated or inadequately explained
  • Price quoted incorrectly / wrong currency
  • Tender did not fulfil requirements of tender specification / terms of reference
  • Tender did not meet mandatory requirements
  • Tender was uncompetitive