Healthcare Quality Management, ISO Standards, ISO certification Ireland
QMS Solutions assist Primary Healthcare, Residential and Non-residential Healthcare organisations with the development of patient centered, fully integrated, holistic andrisk-based process orientated quality management systems.
All systems employed by QMS Solutions draw on international best practice and ISO standards for Quality Management and are tailored to the specific healthcare services provider, public and private. ISO standards include: ISO 15189:2012 Medical Laboratories and ISO 13131:2021 Telehealth services.
CHKS, Standards for International Hospitals Accreditation Programme, 2022
What are CHKS Standards?
The standards are designed to provide a framework for quality assurance and quality improvement for all healthcare service providers. The standards are a model for promoting the factors that will assist in achieving clinical governance and improving the quality of care. The standards focus on patient safety, patient experience, clinical governance, leadership and staff experience. The standard allows organisations to work in an inclusive way, to develop the capacity for continuous quality improvement and it ensures that staff, service users and other stakeholders are fully involved.
Each standard addresses an area of work or activity carried out by the service provider and is made up of criteria statements. These are designed to be measurable through the self-assessment and survey processes, flexible and applicable across the range, sizes and compositions of service providers’ organisation and adaptable in that they can be implemented according to local circumstances. The criteria aim to set out what needs to be achieved.
Who do the standards apply to?
The standards apply to all healthcare organisations. Within these organisations the standard applies to services and departments at all
- Fully integrated, process orientated, client centred, holistic approach to patient care.
- Improvement in efficiency, effectiveness, and safety of patient care.
- Improved communication and team working across the organisation.
- All policies and procedures reviewed and up to date.
- Good practice is recognised and shared.
- Improved knowledge and systems for risk management
- Better understanding and practical application of patient safety requirements
- Improved systems for mandatory performance review, training and appraisal
- Readiness for inspection by external / authorities / bodies
- Increased competitiveness
- Provides vehicle for benchmarking and quality improvement within healthcare.